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About Us
Shubhda Sreshth Shrishti

What we do?

Shubhda Sreshth Shrishti is largest organization focusing on education and employment of youth with disabilities. This work is globally important as 80% of worlds’ disabled population lives in developing countries like India. Shubhda Sreshth Shrishti has evolved to be a system changer and has partnered with governments, companies, educational institutions, NGOs, youth with disabilities and their parents. It focuses on training the youth and placing them in jobs. Simultaneously, it supports companies with a range of services to ensure business benefits.

We believe youth with disabilities are a talent pool. 

Partnering with stakeholders and vulnerable unreached communities to co-create pioneering solutions for inclusion



Every youth will be poverty free.


Core Values

A Belief in:
Potential of the Poor Diversity & Inclusion Creativity & Innovation



This is your project: We work together to improve your lives Company Mantra: Hire from us because it makes business sense... Not out of pity or sympathy